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My Website

I earned a Master of Science in Special Education and Doctorate in Secondary Special Education and Transition from the University of Oregon. I have  been a member of academic, governmental, and private research teams since 1995. I also worked extensively in direct service of children and families as a parent educator, home visitor, and therapeutic foster parent. I currently teach at the graduate and high school levels.

After years spent coaching youth and young adults on how to achieve their dreams – I decided it was time to “walk my talk” and I embarked on a world schooling adventure with my teenage son and two dogs! The journey took us to Mexico, and we decided to make it home.

After almost a decade of searching for a democratic learning environment for my son, he gave me the idea of starting my own school.  I listened and The Pearl Remote Democratic School was born. We are now in year three, and we have students in seven countries! Our students are thriving and our community is growing. 



Doctoral Student

“Dr. Harwick’s understanding of the course content was excellent and she was able to reference real-life examples to support our reading and learning”

High School Student

“I’ve come to the conclusion that you are the best teacher I’ve ever had…you seriously rock”

Data analysis client

"Thanks, this looks great! ...I think this is exactly what we were looking for. I like the summary of action items at the end and the strategic use of quotes throughout. Thanks again for all of your work on this."